TOP TV channels and Self Advertising Tools in one box
KeenAD is a TV and Advertisement Insertion solution dedicated to huge amount of IPTV channels. This is the perfect choice to enable Ad stitching on your video content for business needs.

Make individual content for Your customers
With KeenAD, you can easily create and add unique content to the television broadcast of your customers. Depending on the sphere, this can be various content, for example, from a hotel guide to a video about the services your organization offers.

Self Advertising Tools
Digital TV Ad Insertion is our core business and we have the full view on the whole chain.

Create and schedule Your own content for TV broadcast
Select what to watch from 200+ channels
Upload Your own content
If you would like to know more about our pricing and services, or if you are a broadcaster or publisher that would like to add your specification to our platform free of charge, don't hesitate to...